Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Plan

I am in the planning stages of this blog, as of now. This will be a journal of lifestyle changes made for the new decade beginning February 1, 2010. Changes meant to transform my life into the healthy, relaxed, low-stress, Christ-like life it was meant to be. I'm not interested in dieting. I'm not interested in weight loss. I'm not interested in rules and regulations placed on my life by anyone other than myself and my God. I am interested in a lifestyle change, a plan for making my future the best it can be. Something I can be proud of. I am interested in feeling good, feeling satisfied... feeling full, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

I want to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin, whether that skin is within the narrow body fat percentage that is deemed normal for my height or not. I think the "norm" is bullshit. Who wants to be normal? Who wants to look and feel like everyone else? I don't. I want to feel like myself. I have gotten to a point in my life where I truly don't feel like myself anymore. I feel like I am trapped inside of someone else. I feel like my reflection in the mirror is not me. So my goal is to see myself when I look into the mirror and when I'm alone with my thoughts. It's as simple as that. I want to feel like myself. That is the goal of this plan for 2010, to make the changes necessary to bring myself back and to move my life forward. I will not follow a regimen of what I'm told to eat or not to eat. I will not deprive myself of things that I truly want.

If I want to eat a cheeseburger with buffalo wings and blue cheese dressing, I will. But the key is how I feel afterward. If I eat a cheeseburger and buffalo wings, even as I may be enjoying it while I eat, if I feel any bad feelings after eating it then I will know that I did something wrong. If, however, I eat these things and feel happy and healthy afterwards, then I have fulfilled a need in myself that was necessary and that is okay. These are the choices I am speaking of. Don't fool yourself, you know that both of these scenarios are valid. There are times when we need to eat these things and that is okay. There are also times when we eat these things for unhealthy reasons and therefore, we feel like crap afterward. This is what I want to grab onto, to learn which feelings are healthy to follow and which to recognize as unhealthy. Same goes for exercise and activity. As well as church and bible study. But that is a separate, more personal goal which I will not be posting much about, on this particular blog. Although I may add thoughts and prayers that are relevant to this blog.

So read and enjoy, if you will. Feel free to post your agreements, disagreements, ideas, opinions, and you own personal plans and struggles. I will not accept any negative comments about people or any personal questions about me, as I wish to remain anonymous. I hope you will make the changes you deserve in your life, in order to feel like yourself. Learn with me, share with me, and pray. Pray daily, if you do nothing else. Respect yourself and don't change anything about yourself unless you feel it reflects your own soul.

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